Green Mango GmbH (Karaoke- und Erlebnisbar)
Bülowstr. 56/57
10783 Berlin-Schöneberg
Telefon:  +49 (0)30 75 63 73 93 and +49 (0)30 75 63 73 94 (only during office hours)
On Tour: +49 (0) 176 570 88 538 (only for urgent and important cases – no booking or other requests)

Office Berlin

Fax: +49 (0)30 75 63 73 95
Contact person: Nils Roth
CEO: Nguyen T.T.H.
Authorized: Manfred Herckner & Nguyen T.

Management & Planung: Nils Roth


Bank account:
Iban: DE19 1004 0000 0202 0949 00

German commercial register
Berlin Charlottenburg
HRB 125514 B
Ust.-ID: DE 270094593

Business number 20985719
Supervisory authority: Gewerbeamt Berlin

Responsible for any content according to § 10 Absatz 3 MDStV: Green Mango GmbH (address as indicated above)

Webmaster: Alberto Moreno
Liability note: Although we control our content carefully, we do not assume responsibility for the content of third party links. Responsible for that content are solely the providers.

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